Wildland Fire Operations

GUS supports agency/interagency organizations by providing UAS/Pilots/Data Processors for wildland fire.

Fireline Situational Awareness

GUS employees are fireline qualified and are trained to fly UAS on the line. Our flight crews work directly with fireline decision makers and provide real time EO/IR imagery in order to support timely operational decisions.

Perimeter Mapping

GUS Flight crews utilize specialized software to map the fire edge and transmit updated fire perimeter information (gpx, kmz, kml) to incident GIS personnel.

GUS can provide a data processor/data specialist on request.

Spotfire/hot spot detection

GUS UAS are capable of capturing infrared images and cataloging precise heat locations. This information can be shared in real time or used to update strategic planning products.

Aerial Ignition

GUS can provide UAS aerial ignition services on request. We utilize the Ignis 2 sphere dispenser payload and the Alta X UAS.